About Tanya

LEADERSHIP STYLE: In the context of running for office, I am a cross between a servant leader and transformational leader. Servant leaders empower the whole team, organization or community. Transformational leaders care about each individual and inspire a collective to work toward a common goal.

SERVICE: I have served the people of Hawaii Island for 20 years as an employee or board member of 501(c)3 organizations including The Arc of Hilo (Marketing Director), Bay Clinic (Board Member & Chairperson), Volcano Art Center (CEO) and Hawaii Island Adult Care (HIAC), the state’s largest adult day care center, from 2014 – 2024. I learned a lot about myself and how the county, state and federal budgets affect our day to day lives at the community level, and I learned by doing at all of these organizations. Bay Clinic was in dire straits when I first joined the board. I learned a lot about our state’s safety net and fought for universal health care, state and federal funding for FQHCs, and learned how to effectively and efficiently chair meetings.

I am a grant writer, and come from the nonprofit sector, so I know how to envision a better way of doing something to increase outcomes for more people, and I can relate that to a budget (albeit much smaller than any state agency). Being accountable for outcomes is important to me. Making things better for myself and for others is important for me. Caring for kupuna & family caregivers, and our employees, donors, funders and grantors over the last 10 years in Hilo as the business manager of HIAC (and interim director twice) has inspired me to run for office, along with my deep desire and appreciation for peace, creativity and social harmony.

COMPASSION: I take time to feed myself spiritually, and to feel the world around me. The word compassion literally has the word compass in it. What direction are we headed in? Is there a conscious choice that was made to lead us into chaos? I navigate the choppy waters with my heart, because this generally does not fail me. Compassion is what connects us to whatʻs important. I find compassion to be a very strong value held in most of the close friends I have. I envision that we can have a more caring economy based our shared value of compassion.

COURAGE: I generally love to listen to all sides of an issue and try to see as many solutions and components as possible. I will speak up for others if they cannot find their voice, even if I disagree with them. Everyone has the right to be heard. Far from that shy child I used to be, today I have the courage to ask questions and share my own unique take on things. We all have something special to contribute. I encourage you to know what makes you different and to share that in whatever way feels right.