Tanya Yamanaka Aynessazian

Courage and Compassionate Action

By supporting compassionate action and care as the primary driver for policy and decision-making, I hope to work with existing and emerging community leaders to create real, long-term impact in three main areas that I believe will improve our health and happiness.

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We can create more peace (vs. stress) by ensuring the health, healing and well-being for all members of our community. Increasing access to medical care, complementary healing modalities and wellness practices for everyone is paramount for a resilient community.

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We are creative beings. Education, whether it is formal or informal, in the school, home, church or forest, creates culture. Teaching others how to more consciously create the world around us is key to bringing more balance into our day to day lives.

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Social harmony comes from peace on the inside (see health, healing & well-being) and shared social, economic and infrastructure systems that support life. Systems that are designed to be in harmony with nature support us as human beings for generations to come.

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